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thank you thank you for this

as I am trying to create a space-based sanctuary and need to love and honor all the other expressions of sanctuary that are already currently available to me/that I am already currently making available to myself and others.

as I am really struggling to be patient with that process, to find joy in the slowness of this process

as I am finding my attention going to the harm that is still occurring while I am on this path

as I am finding myself selectively editing where my attention goes in order to stay on the path, but feeling and grieving the cries of what I leave out when I make those selections

a strong voice on it's own path is exactly the beacon of "we can all do this, and we are" that I needed today.

your voice , this piece, is the sanctuary of this moment, and we ~get~ to keep moving from moment to moment, creating moments for ourselves and each other. zing!

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